by Karola Obermüller
World premiere March 23, 2017 at the Scripps Performing Arts Centre, and University of New Mexico–Albuquerque, May 2017.
European premiere, Salzburg Mozarteum, May 2018.
Supported with an ArtWorks grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Recorded for Volume 3, Voices of the Pearl, July 2020.
Text/libretto: early Buddhist Pali texts from female disciples of the historical Buddha collected in the Therīgāthā (circa 500 B.C.), poetry from the 9th-century Tibetan Yeshe Tsogyel, and contemporary Tibetan Khandro Tāre
Lhamo, both in the original Tibetan;
Scored for soprano, harp, voice, and live electronics.
Written for Anne Harley and Barbara Pöschl-Edrich
Poetic translation, pronunciation and word-for-word translation: Jim Anderson, Holly Gayley, Bryan Levman, and Dolma Kyab.
Texts and translation:
1) pabbata (mountain)
kiñ cāpi kho ‘mhi kisikā gilānā bāḷhadubbalā |
daṇḍam olubbha gacchāmi pabbataṃ abhirūhiya || (Cittātherīgāthā, 27)
Although I am feebly, sick and extremely weak
Leaving on a stick I go, having climbed the mountain.
saṃghāṭiṃ nikkhipitvāna pattakaṃ ca nikujjiya |
sele khambhesiṃ attānaṃ tamokhandhaṃ padāliyā || (Cittātherīgāthā, 28)
Having put down my upper robe and turned over my bowl,
I supported myself on a rock; the dark mass of confusion was pierced.
2) udaka (water)
pāde pakkhālayitvāna, udakesu karomahaṃ |
pādodakañca disvāna, thalato ninnamāgataṃ || (Paṭācārātherīgāthā, 114)
After washing my feet I looked at the waters
I saw the water from my feet going to the low-lying ground from the higher
tato cittaṃ samādhemi assaṃ bhadraṃ va jāniyaṃ |
tatodīpaṃ gahetvāna, vihāraṃ pāvisiṃ ahaṃ |
seyyaṃ olokayitvāna mañcakamhi upāvisiṃ || (Paṭācārātherīgāthā, 115)
Because of that I concentrated my mind, like a horse of good breed.
Then, taking a lamp I entered my abode
Examining the bed, I took a seat on the couch.
tato sūciṃ gahetvāna vaṭṭiṃ okassayām’ ahaṃ |
padīpasseva nibbānaṃ vimokkho ahu cetaso || (Paṭācārātherīgāthā, 116)
Then, taking a needle, I pulled out the wick,
My mind was released like the quenching of a lamp.
3) esā antaradhāyāmi (I disappear)
esā antaradhāyāmi, kucchiṃ vā pavisāmi te |
bhamukantare tiṭṭhāmi tiṭṭhantiṃ maṃ na dakkhasi || (Uppalavaṇṇātherīgāthā, 232)
I will disappear or enter into your belly;
I stand in between your eyebrows and you do not see where I am standing.
4) gom (thirst)
བུ་མོ་ ཁྱོད་ གྲངས་མེད་ ལུས་བླངས་ འཁོར་བ་རུ་ འཁྱམས་ནས།
Bu-mo kyod chang-med lus-lang kor-wa-ri chum-nei
སྐྱེས་ ཤིའི་ ཁ་ འཁོར་ ངན་སོང་གི་ སྡུག་བསྔལ།
Kyi shii ka kor ngan-song-gi dud-nged
ཚ་ གྲང་ དང་ བཀྲེས་ སྐོམ་ བཀོལ་སྤྱོད་ ཚོ་ བཟོད་བསྲན་དུ་ འདུག་ ནམི་ལུས་
Tsa drang dang gre gom gol-jod tsho zo-san-du ‘du na
མི་ལུས་ དོན་ལྡན་ གྱི་ སྙིང་བོ།
Milee Dondan Kyi Nying wo
དམ་ཆོས་ གསང་སྔགས་ ཀྱི་ ཉེ་ལམ།
Dam choe sang nga kyi Nye lam
མྱུར་མ་ཕྱོགས་ དཀའ་སྤྱད་ དེ་ཅི་ཕྱིར།
Nyur-ma-chog ga-jie de-ji-shur
ཅི་ལྟར་ ཡིན་ཀྱང་ མི་ བཟོད།
ji-dar yin-jiang mi zod
བྱ་བ་ གཞན་ ཅི་ཕྱིར་ ཡོད་དོ།
Qia-wa xian ji-phyir yod-do
འཆི་བ་ ལས་ དེ་མིན་ ཅི་ མཐའ།
Chi-wa las de-min ji tha
ད་དུང་ དཀའ་བ་ རང་སྤྱོད་ ཅིག་ སྙིང་རུས་ མ་མཚོ་རྒྱལ།
Da-dung ga-wa rang-jio jig nyang-rus ma-tsho-gyal
In the circle of existence, Wandering through countless forms,
Turning in the round of birth and death, Tortured by the sorrows and states of misery,
Oh woman! if you bore that heat and cold, That hunger, thirst, and servitude!–
Can you not sustain this hardship now,
What else is there to do?
The worst that can befall is death!
Do not retreat from your austerity, O Tsogyal, courage, persevere!
(Yeshe Tsogyal, Lady of the Lotus-Born)
5) krul-ba (illusion)
ད་ནི་ རེ་ཞིག་ གཉིས་བློ་ མ་ ཞིག་ པར། །
Da-ni re-shig nyis-lo ma shig bar
ང་ དང་ འབྲལ་འབྲལ་ འདྲ་བས་ བདེ་བར་ བྱོས། །
Nga dang dral-dral dra-wei de-war chi
གཉིས་བློ་ ཞིག་ ནས་ ང་ དང་ གཉིས་མེད་ འགྱུར། །
Nyi-lo shig ni nga dang nyi-med ‘gyur
བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་ ནམ་མཁའི་ མཐའ་ཁྱབ་ ཤོག།
Ta-shi-de-lek nam-ki ta-chab shok
For a time now, while your dualistic minds persist,
It will seem that I have left you, but take heart.
When your dualistic minds subside, you will see that we were never parted.
May health and happiness embrace the very limits of the sky!
(Yeshe Tsogyal, Lady of the Lotus-Born)
ཡུལ་ སྣང་བ་ ཡིན་ པས་ གྲུབ་པ་ མེད། །
Yul nang-wa yin be drub-ba mai
ལམ་ འཁྲུལ་པ་ ཡིན་ པས་ བདེན་པ་ མེད། །
lam krul-ba yin be dhan-ba mai
The objects of our senses, mere perception, Have no being in themselves.
The path, too, is illusion; It is not the truth.
(Yeshe Tsogyal, Lady of the Lotus-Born)
6) ngang-der shok (There remain.)
ཆོས་ ཟད་ གདོད་མའི་ ཀློང་དུ་ ཐིམ། །
Cho sai dod-mi lun-du tam
ང་ དང་ འབྲལ་ མེད་ འགྲོགས་ ཐབས་ ཡིན། །
Nga dang drul med druk thab yin
All dissolves, exhausted, in the primal space,
And thus it is that you will never stray from me.
(Yeshe Tsogyal, Lady of the Lotus-Born)
ཕར་ བསྲེ་ ཚུར་ བསྟིམ་ གཉིས་མེད་ ཀློང་། །
Par se tshur dom nyi-med klong
ཉམས་མྱོང་ སྐྱེས་ན་ ངང་དེར་ ཞོག
Nyam-myong kyi-na ngang-der shok
When you melt and mingle mutually together, Taste that vast expanse of nonduality.
There remain.
(Yeshe Tsogyal, Lady of the Lotus-Born)
7) tha-tshig (oath)
ཁ་ལྟོ་རྒྱབ་མ་སོས་འོང་བ་མིན། །
kha lto rgyab ma sos ‘ong ba min
གནས་འཁོར་མ་ཟིན་འཁྱམས་པ་མིན། །
gnas ‘khor ma zin ‘khyams pa min
འབངས་ཡུལ་མིས་མ་གཅེས་ཕུད་པ་མིན། །
‘bangs yul mis ma gces phud pa min
གཟའ་ཐབས་གྲོགས་མ་འགྲིགས་འཐོར་བ་མིན། །
gza’ thabs grogs ma ‘grigs ‘thor ba min
nga chos brgyad las la g.yeng ba min
ཕྱིར་དགྲ་འདུལ་གཉེན་སྐྱོང་བསམ་པ་མིན། །
phyir dgra ‘dul gnyen skyong bsam pa min
srid ‘khor ba’i las la chags pa min
ནང་ཉོན་མོངས་འཁྲུལ་བས་བསླུས་པ་མིན། །
nang nyon mongs ‘khrul bas bslus pa min
དཔལ་པད་མའི་ཞལ་གཟིགས་ལུང་བསྟན་ཡིན། །
dpal pad ma’i zhal gzigs lung bstan yin
མ་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཐ་ཚིག་དུས་ལ་བབ། །
ma mkha’ ‘gro’i tha tshig dus la bab
Not leaving out of lack of food and clothes,
Not roaming because I failed as a householder,
Not cast aside for lack of affection from kin,
Not tossed away because a relationship didn’t work out,
Not distracted by [everyday] concerns and deeds,
Not thinking of destroying enemies and protecting friends,
Not attached to worldly activities in cyclic existence,
Not deceived due to the confusion of inner emotions,
I am [bound by] the visionary prophecy of glorious Padma!
The time for the oath of the mother ḍākinīs has come!
(Khandro Tāre Lhamo, Pad ma’i phreng ba 103.3–6, translated by Holly Gayley)
8) dwangs-ma (radiance)
tshe mnyam skyel byed pa lag pa’i mthil
གྲོགས་བརྩེ་གདུང་སྙིང་གི་དྭངས་མ་ལགས། །
grogs brtse gdung snying gi dwangs ma lags
ཉིད་ལན་སྟོང་དྲན་པ་སྨོས་ཅི་དགོས། །
nyid lan stong dran pa smos ci dgos
Of course, we will spend our lives together.
Darling beloved, radiance of my heart,
Recalling you a thousand times a day, what need I say.
(Khandro Tāre Lhamo, Pad ma’i phreng ba 98.4, translated by Holly Gayley)
9) gzugs thon (forms emerge)
nang sems nyid rig pa rang gsal ‘gro
gzhi rtsol bral rig pa’i rang zhal mjal
mgon pad ma’i smon lam gtad rgya sad
lus rtsa rlung gtum mo’i bde drod ‘bar
gnas ‘khor lo lnga yi rtsa mdud grol
brda nam mkha’i sgo ‘byed dbyings yid bkra
srog ‘chi med dpal ster bum bcud ‘khil
gzugs lus kyi phyag rgya mkha’ nas thon
Within, the mind itself becomes naturally radiant awareness.
Meeting one’s original face as awareness, the effortless ground,
Awakening the protector Padma’s aspiration and entrustment,
The body’s channels and winds blaze with blissful heat.
The knots in the channels at the five cakras release;
The sky-gate of symbols opens; letters manifest in space;
Nectar pools in the vase that grants glory of deathless life;
Visible, gross symbolic forms emerge from the sky.
(Khandro Tāre Lhamo, Pad ma’i phreng ba 145.1–3, translated by Holly Gayley)